- New Links listings
- Hot Links listings
- Top Referrer listing
- Link hit counters
- Threaded reviews
- Link Voting
- Send pages to a friend.
- Advanced searching
- Category Search
- Highlighted search results.
- Advanced paging i.e.
… 8 9 [10-19] ……
- Personalization (sorting,
windows, links per page,…)
- Aleza Windows show the
top newest, hottest, and top referring links.
- Reciprocal Link Code
- Sibling categories list
- Multiple column category
- More…
- Administer your site
from any browser.
- Approve and modify links
before they are indexed.
- Approve reviews before
they are listed.
- Navigator lets you browse
through your categories and manage them.
- Manage administrative
users with different security levels.
- Assign categories to
admin moderators.
- Ability to reset counters.
- Statistics – hits by
category (day, month, and total)
- Category description
- Email list manager –
lists are specified by rules
- Email template manager
- Mass Mailer
- Support for most popular
Email components.
- Use as many different
html pages for your categories as you wish. These are
called (Display Pages)
- Design your html plug-in
some include files and the display pages are ready.
- Use Access or SQL database.
- More…